I always have been fascinated by photography.
But with the introduction of the digital camera it all became too easy, too predictable …to me.
So I forced myself to go back to the roots of real analog photography.
Not just by making the photograph itself, but by controlling the entire photographic process.

This brought me back to the middle of the 19th century, to the amazing Collodion wet plate process.
And every single day I feel challenged to refine and improve myself.

For my website please visit : www.alextimmermans.com

Alex Timmermans

"You don't take a picture, it's given to you"

dinsdag 5 november 2013

Unique oppertunity for a wet plate portrait!!

Coming Thursday, November 7th, I will be present in the new pop-up Gallery of Kahmann gallery.
This gallery is located in the centre of Amsterdam, the Van Baerlestraat 39.
During that day (from 11:00 till 16:00) I will be making some commissioned wet plate portraits.
Are you interested in such a unique portrait made by me, just contact Roy Kahmann at:

Price depends on the preferred size of the actual plate.
Only 2 places left!! So don't wait to long.


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