I always have been fascinated by photography.
But with the introduction of the digital camera it all became too easy, too predictable …to me.
So I forced myself to go back to the roots of real analog photography.
Not just by making the photograph itself, but by controlling the entire photographic process.

This brought me back to the middle of the 19th century, to the amazing Collodion wet plate process.
And every single day I feel challenged to refine and improve myself.

For my website please visit : www.alextimmermans.com

Alex Timmermans

"You don't take a picture, it's given to you"

zondag 4 september 2011

Wet plate demonstration

Yesterday a friend of mine organized  a open day at his photographic education centre at Veldhoven ( near Eindhoven). http://advance-cvf.blogspot.com/

There were a lot of visitors who were interested in the wet plate process.
This time i have used my Calumet c1 with a 13 inch Hermagis petzval
I was able to give some demonstrations despite the lack of a real darkroom.
I used my "grow tent" again which is a very good alternative. The size is just perfect and can be build up in about 10 minutes.  The only thing is that you cant open the zipper from the inside, so you always have to be with two persons.
I seriously have to start working on a mobile box'.........(lack of time)
A brief overview of that day.

The following pictures were made by Henk Peters.

Many thanks !

Clear Glass Ambro
13 inch hermagis petzval
poorboy collodion
KCN Fixer
exposuretime 6 seconds

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